According to the Nuremberg law, a citizen would be proclaimed a Jew, if 3-4 grandparents were Jews. Even if you yourself had converted into another type of religion, you would be recognized as a Jew. Jews were hated by the Nazi's for what they had done in WWI, therefore this meant the Nazi's pushed Jews out of their business, and non- Jewish Germans would take over for a bargained price. This left many Jews jobless.
Even Jewish doctors were not allowed to treat non-Jewish German patients, and Jewish lawyers were forbidden to practice law. This meant many Jews became unemployed. A way Nazi's expressed there hatred for Jews, was that the Nazi's stamped a red 'J' on the Jew's identity cards, and a Jews middle name would be changed too; if you were a boy 'Israel', and if you were a girl 'Sara'. This allowed police to easily identify Jews.
A law called the "Law of the Protection of the Hereditary Health of the German People", was a law made for official marriage. If you had contagious diseases or passed on illnesses, you were not allowed to marry. These were some of the many things Nazi's did to change history.
Julian..separate your answers out next time! Also, remember that Jews wee blamed for events in WWI, but you state that people were upset for "what they did". Two different things! 8/10