Geographers have a specific place in the world. They study climates and topography, the environment,plants and animals, to solve problems like global warming, predicting weather patterns (tsunami warning, hail storms, flash floods and many other natural disasters). Physical and cultural geographers have many different aspects. Being a psychical geographer you conduct research about animals,soil and vegetation of a geographic area. Cultural geographers conduct the relationship of how human activities affect the earth's physical environment and habitat. I am interested in the prevention of the world's destructive courses. As a cultural geographer I would enjoy studying environmental management. Maybe if we can find why flash floods, tsunamis and all those disasters happen the world might suffer less. To learn the specific reasons of how humans have damaged mother earth would be a joy but I would still have some questions in mind. Loving to travel to many places, I would like a green earth so people can enjoy the fresh air so they can go fishing as a hobby and so they can sit under trees for shade. Can you imagine a world without the trees, seas and animals?
Another reason I would be good as a geographer is because i convince people really easily which gives me an advantage. Maybe I would be able to convince the government of a country to manage and improve the environment better. I could teach them to reuse, recycle and reduce properly. This reminds me of a song "You may say that I'm a dreamer, But I'm not the only one , I hope someday you'll join us , And the world will be as one".

In conclusion this job would be an interest to me when I am older but it wont be my top priority because I wouldn't want to be a scientist, though i like the idea of traveling to new places and saving some green for my grandchildren ( if I will have any). Why I wouldn't want to be a geographer is because ever since i was 4 i wanted to be a engineer, specifically I want to be a Mechanical Engineer. As a mechanical engineer i would get to create and design new machines. The reason I really want to become a mechanical engineer is because after we create we get to try....
Who says Beetle's aren't fast?
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