Julian is a strange name but throughout the world many people have Julian as an interesting name.... Here I prevail on earth with the name Julian. My Mum, Doris is Malaysian/ Chinese and my Dad, Manfred is German. I was born in Kuching, the home of Ibans, Proboscis monkeys and
(my favorite) Kolo mee (even though with a lot of MSG). Most people don't know who Ibans are :0.... (I had the same picture in mind). The head hunters of Borneo as people call it, the strongest clan ever to walk Sarawak. they did have many tribal wars ( cutting off many heads), they say whenever an Iban cuts off a head they get a tattoo on their neck then slowly on their knuckles. Further more I heard someone ask what is "a" Kolo mee and I let my jaw drop down....... After I Recovered I explained to them what "a" Kolo mee is. A soft, sumptous, hot, Mouth watering, meaty, interesting noodle.
The last few months I have read, "Voyage of the dawn treader", by C.S. Lewis which is mostly about Edmund and Lucy with their cousin Eustace journeying through a picture ( Narnian). but they had been delivered there for their test to see if they were worthy of taking the throne again.
Another book I have read is "Greek Mythology" by Edith Hamilton mainly about Greek gods, The Trojan war, Titans and the great Odysseus who journeyed throughout the WHOLE world
And finally I have been reading "The Giver" which is about another type of country with no war or pain. Before he has the ceremony of the twelves he see's the world in black and white.... During the ceremony of twelve's you get assigned a job in the community. Jonas gets assigned as the giver. This is the most important job which holds remembering the memories of people from heart broken misery to gleeful happy memories! After the assignment he sees the world in color.
"The Last Air bender" I believe was the last great movie I viewed. Primarily it was about 2 water tribe citizens, a brother and sister curious to find what is in a mysterious ice sphere. When they finally crack the globe open they find the Last Air Bender who had been stuck in there for a 1000 years. The sphere gives off a warning when the war rulers ( fire benders) were on a hunt. So the War lords came over to inspect what happened and they find what they have been looking for....... The Avatar. During the middle of the journey they lose the Avatar (Last Air Bender) and Aang (the Avatar) went to most earth tribes to free them from fear of the enemy. At the end there is a big war which takes place in the northern water tribe and the Avatar gets praise after he scares away the fire nation. ( even from the fire warriors).My academic goals are aiming for straight A's and I would enjoy learning physics because I am interested in the law of motion and gravity.
One of my social goals is getting to know the teachers and befriending some.
A favorite vacation memory is Koh Samui where I recently celebrated my birthday and where I got to ride an ATV (I rarely ride one)
5 aspects to describe myself are:
Very shy
Fast learner