Every day is a journey, and the journey itself is home.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Learning Profiles - How do I learn best?

I beg to differ with these questions, I do ponder if I am in a comfortable position but I enjoy the seat. I don't judge classes because I enjoy a Gestalt learning class, but I do not understand why we can't maybe try a mix of both the gestalt and logic side. I think this makes me a profile J, examples of how I learn best is when I focus on the full picture, The parts of a statement that surrounds a particular word, and Movements tend to be spontaneous and fluid when relaxed under stress may move forward with caution feeling clumsy, and stuck.
I believe that I will benefit from sitting on the right side a few rows back where I hear easily by turning my left ear to the front. This would also keep me thinking to stay focused because I would know that the teacher is watching me. I also need to learn through the full picture, context and emotional relevance, and I enjoy a bigger picture for I am a Gestalt brained person. I interpret language by its tone, pitch or rhythm.
I believe that the strategies that can benefit me, sitting on the right side a few rows back where I hear easily by turning my left ear to the front, I also need to learn through the full picture, context and emotional relevance, and I enjoy a bigger picture for I am a Gestalt brained person, Movements tend to be spontaneous and fluid when relaxed under stress may move forward with caution feeling clumsy, and stuck... Etc. I believe that the above strategies are benefiting me for now I would know what to improve in my choice of seats, learn through the full picture and try not to go under stress. Many times before I had been under stress for I had no partner to work with, and so I would just give up feeling I was stuck and unable to complete my project This helps me to know that I should never go under stress.
I would like my teachers to know this about me because, if I make a wrong decision they could stop me from continuing. They could also help me by putting me in the right position of where to sit, to calm me down if I get stressed and Etc. I hope this assignment benefits me and others who have found out about their weaknesses! We should all learn that weaknesses are opportunities to learn about ourselves and to grow become a better person
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Collaborative Literature Circles.
In Humanities we have started Collaborate Literature Circle. We have free choice Literature Circle, which means: the teacher allows us to choose our book, my book is: THE TRUE CONFESSIONS OF CHARLOTTE DOYLE written by Avi. My partners are Radhika and Hime.
1.The benefits of working with a classmate.
Working with a classmate benefits us to correct each others assignment's. It allows us to understand what people think and criticize on their work before the due date. I also believe that, working with a partner is more enjoyable for you have more to experience and more to think about (correcting).
2. Challenges / obstacles which you overcame (tried to overcome).
One of the hardest obstacles I had to conquer was the fact that I was blocked from my email, which means I couldn't communicate with my group. We came up with a solution, although not a good plan I followed the idea and found that it worked.
3. New understandings that you gained about the novel.
I gained the understanding of Charlotte, and how she can really stand up for herself, in a dark situation. Mostly in my group we only chose passages which showed how Charlotte can stand up for herself. "While I thought that I was learning how to live, I have been learning how to die." This quote explains Charlotte's dark and difficult experiences and self torment when she had to learn how to live with the poorer society coming from the wealthy life
1.The benefits of working with a classmate.
Working with a classmate benefits us to correct each others assignment's. It allows us to understand what people think and criticize on their work before the due date. I also believe that, working with a partner is more enjoyable for you have more to experience and more to think about (correcting).
2. Challenges / obstacles which you overcame (tried to overcome).
One of the hardest obstacles I had to conquer was the fact that I was blocked from my email, which means I couldn't communicate with my group. We came up with a solution, although not a good plan I followed the idea and found that it worked.
3. New understandings that you gained about the novel.
I gained the understanding of Charlotte, and how she can really stand up for herself, in a dark situation. Mostly in my group we only chose passages which showed how Charlotte can stand up for herself. "While I thought that I was learning how to live, I have been learning how to die." This quote explains Charlotte's dark and difficult experiences and self torment when she had to learn how to live with the poorer society coming from the wealthy life
Thursday, November 4, 2010
The Lit. Circle Blog.
The group discussions that we have in Lit. Circles helped my understanding of the book by explaining other people's perspective about some passages. Sometimes we would not understand a certain passage of the book, this made us brainstorm together in a group. During the lit circles we would also discuss our opinions and from that we understand the book with different point of views. Lit. Circles also gives you an opportunity to express your favorite passage and why you chose it.
Some connections that my group make is that we discuss similar questions on the same questions. Our group would always come to a chapter or passage when we face draconian questions and always come up with a plenipotentiary answer. Sometimes we would also comment on each other Lit. Circles and would have the same comment/criticism as each other.
I believe that there are many predictions to what may happen in the book THE TRUE CONFESSIONS OF CHARLOTTE DOYLE . First I predict that soon Charlotte may gain more friends on the ship for she has started to already make acquaintance with other crew members on the ship. Second I predict that Mr. Jaggery is evil for he has tortured and plunged into hatred of the crew.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Guns, Germs and steel. (A hypothesis.......)
I believe that there are 3 reasons why most of the wealth in the world is axiomatic in the areas north of the Tropic of Cancer. A more tropical range looms over the tropic of cancer, this could provide more trading aspects. Above the tropic of cancer, more space allows larger populations growth, this makes southern countries inchoate of trading goods and supplying money. More mountains on the northern side of the Tropic of Cancer grant more to find, for this paleontologists discover more evidence of the past life. So why is wealth founded more above the tropic of cancer?
Wealth can be found in a tropical area which has more to trade. Most people live off what we trade. Flour, rice, seaweed, herbs and etc. are what we use to slake ourselves with. From trading in the northern region people have a lot to trade, this allows them to earn money that they eventually spend to disport themselves. Some people are wastrels on the southern region who don't think about the people who toil with labor, transport the goods and eventually get a small amount of money for trading. This is one reason of why most of the wealth is found more on the north side of the tropic of cancer.
Above the tropic of cancer more space creates more larger populations to grow. The northern area combined is larger than the southern area. A larger population has to give a large amount of tax back to the government, which could also be why the northern part has more wealth than the southern part. Larger populations give more money to satisfy themselves, they could travel a museum and pay a large amount to get in. People would also need to buy food to feed their families and themselves. This is my second reason of why I believe that the northern region has more wealth than the southern part.
Mountains on the northern side provide more to discover. For most hominids lived in caves or more natural places which mostly is found above the northern region. Paleontologists mostly discover new species or different variety's of old hominid tools which can be sold for millions of dollars. Most of fossiliferous strata was founded in the northern region which gained alot of money. The Terracotta army is a good example of what was a great discovery. This is why I believe that most of the wealth in the world is axiomatic in the areas north of the Tropic of Cancer.
These are my three reasons of why the northern region has more wealth than the southern state.
Wealth can be found in a tropical area which has more to trade. Most people live off what we trade. Flour, rice, seaweed, herbs and etc. are what we use to slake ourselves with. From trading in the northern region people have a lot to trade, this allows them to earn money that they eventually spend to disport themselves. Some people are wastrels on the southern region who don't think about the people who toil with labor, transport the goods and eventually get a small amount of money for trading. This is one reason of why most of the wealth is found more on the north side of the tropic of cancer.
Above the tropic of cancer more space creates more larger populations to grow. The northern area combined is larger than the southern area. A larger population has to give a large amount of tax back to the government, which could also be why the northern part has more wealth than the southern part. Larger populations give more money to satisfy themselves, they could travel a museum and pay a large amount to get in. People would also need to buy food to feed their families and themselves. This is my second reason of why I believe that the northern region has more wealth than the southern part.
Mountains on the northern side provide more to discover. For most hominids lived in caves or more natural places which mostly is found above the northern region. Paleontologists mostly discover new species or different variety's of old hominid tools which can be sold for millions of dollars. Most of fossiliferous strata was founded in the northern region which gained alot of money. The Terracotta army is a good example of what was a great discovery. This is why I believe that most of the wealth in the world is axiomatic in the areas north of the Tropic of Cancer.
These are my three reasons of why the northern region has more wealth than the southern state.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
The New Kuala Selangor Mudskipper
"BUMP, BUMP, bump, BUMP, CRASH!!!" I shifted through the ooze, whilst pondering what could make such a
racket. I drowsily flopped and flapped my way out to the territory to smell once again the fresh scent of mud. " Ie w ant t o goo hume!" I stared at this humongous monkey with curiosity. What could this creature be? Unfamiliar sounds interrupted my thoughts, "luok a mod skipur!". .A two legged, long black hairy creature shoved her finger in my direction. What species are they I wondered? They all look different! After trying to understand this quickly scurried over three feet underground to find
After 9 desperate more calls I noticed that one Mud skipper did not have an eye, and one without a fin. I hurried out of my hiding spot. These monkeys... What killers can they be! I tried to silently slither back to my den. But as I made a huge bump against a mangrove tree I heard tiny voices... " Augha Roun fur iour lihfs!!!". This sounded like some Mud skipper had scared the beast away, I prayed as I saw a large monkey running towards me. Was this an illusion? Was I just dreaming? But I sensed fear, and the creature looked terrified. However he was holding some type of mangrove tree. Were the monsters trying to save us? I heard a cry behind me. A monster was somehow pulling another monster out of the mud... Were they HELPING each OTHER??? This day! What surprises could it bring? From looking around I saw some type of portable device that these brutal creations wore on their long fins. Inside looked so inviting, with all that fur... Was this an animal too? I hopped in feeling its warmth against the chill of the mud. I walked back and forth, soon falling backwards. Tilted in an awkward position I realized something was carrying me away from my home " HELP! HELP! The creature! I Its taking me away!!! HELP!!!!!!" No one seemed to answer,and my eyes started to droop down.....
I woke up moments later. The creatures still did not seem to notice me... Soon they dropped me and ran towards this speeding water " yhaeee!!" they all shout in happiness when they got there. I tried crawling out, but they seemed to be coming towards me with that water. Was it magic they were controlling? Were they going to..... Water washed my thoughts away, I tried to breath but I couldn't. Suddenly bright lights shone into my eyes, my fins barely reaching a surface. I couldn't breath!
Am I Dead?
Thursday, September 23, 2010
My experience with bullying was with someone I called a friend. A normal eye wouldn't have spotted any bullying in this relationship... It turns out one of my oldest friend named Ajay enjoyed playing rough with me. Ajay likes to push and shove me around to make me feel little. As soon as I found out it was more like a warlike friendship I tried to avoid him, but he kept coming to look for me.
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Pushing and shoving in a rough like manner was one of the ways we started a game, or it was either a war type game that always had me isolated in a corner by myself. An example of one of the games we enjoyed was this specific type of war where you have your own territory, you either protect your territory or turn to offence and attack another territory. But my feelings weren't much of a meaning to him and the game would go on until someone would bleed or get bruised. Changing my feelings about Ajay was very hard, for I had injured him in the head when I was little and he had to go to doctor to get stitches. This made me feel pity for him because I was the one who caused the accident. This lasted for at least from third grade to fourth grade. Even though it sounds as if it was one of the worst relationships I had chosen I would not let it go because he also was a good friend. Sometimes he would stand up for me or he would comment on what I've changed about myself in a positive way. We also enjoyed doing things together like watching a movie and trying to find subjects in a movie we agree with.
If I had a chance to restart this friendship, I would have studied how Ajay reacts to other people, as a bully or not, how nice he is. Later on if I would be his friend I would have tried to stop the accident from happening, but this would be going against the quote "what happens, happens for a reason". His reason might have been wanting to be the best and most popular kid. He believed that to have more strength is the bridge towards popularity and he wanted to be the winner in every game (like Chuck Norris). If I would meet these certain type of people in the future I wouldn't lay the same cards as I did with Ajay, and I would not play such games where we could hurt each other intentionally or un-intentionally.
Monday, September 13, 2010
A tournament I will never forget
My opinion of courage is when you conquer your inner- fears, showing that you are brave and that you have inner- strength. No physical strength is involved in the meaning but many people around the world believe that strength is the only way to overcome your fears. I believe that I showed the most courage when my karate teacher convinced me to join a tournament. I remember thinking that I would come home with a broken arm or a broken leg and that my dad would make me quit karate after that. I thought that the fight would be very painful. On the day of the tournament I was thinking I would lose the fight and be humiliated in front of everyone but a lesson I learned on that day was there are some who win and some who lose, it doesn't matter if you are either one of them. It turned out to be a long wait and I got more and more scared watching each fight, I recall seeing 7 year old's throwing each other down! 9 year old's kicking faces! Everything was just too scary... When I was called up I recall the fear of losing . It mostly was an unfair fight since my opponent probably have had joined many more tournaments before, but the score was 2-1 and was good enough for me. I overcame my fear by trying it and my friends who cheered me on also helped me.I actually ended up enjoying the tournament. Now looking back I think that I was scared and I overcame that by facing it.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
What do artifacts tell us about the lives of early hominids?
Artifacts tell us how early hominids lived. If an archeologist found some new type of bones that could mean 1.) That there was another older species of hominids 2.) That there is more artifacts around that area. Hominids held a special place in history. The only way to understand their culture or how they lived millions of years ago was by their preserved tools or their extra ordinarily large bones. The tribe homo habilis was only the second oldest hominid tribe founded, with a small amount of brain they came up with ideas that we still use today in 2011. The bones coming from Neanderthals are still the largest in history, the only tribe who survived the ice age... then came Cro- magnons (in other words us), who finally took over the land prohibited by Neanderthals. Artifacts by Neanderthals could have been a sign that he/she belonged to a certain clan or it might be the meaning of his/her name. How scientist really got information was by early hominids bones, showing how strong, what sicknesses he/she might have had while he/she was still alive, if he/she was a male or female and how he/she might have died. Another way the scientists might have gotten information is from the teeth because you could tell what they've eaten, how healthy and strong he/she was and if he/she used his/her teeth for creating tools. So what do artifacts tell us about the lives of early hominids? Artifacts held a special place in history the same as early hominids.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Dream career (social scientist)

In conclusion this job would be an interest to me when I am older but it wont be my top priority because I wouldn't want to be a scientist, though i like the idea of traveling to new places and saving some green for my grandchildren ( if I will have any). Why I wouldn't want to be a geographer is because ever since i was 4 i wanted to be a engineer, specifically I want to be a Mechanical Engineer. As a mechanical engineer i would get to create and design new machines. The reason I really want to become a mechanical engineer is because after we create we get to try....
Who says Beetle's aren't fast?
Monday, August 9, 2010
One second can be precious.
Julian is a strange name but throughout the world many people have Julian as an interesting name.... Here I prevail on earth with the name Julian. My Mum, Doris is Malaysian/ Chinese and my Dad, Manfred is German. I was born in Kuching, the home of Ibans, Proboscis monkeys and
(my favorite) Kolo mee (even though with a lot of MSG). Most people don't know who Ibans are :0.... (I had the same picture in mind). The head hunters of Borneo as people call it, the strongest clan ever to walk Sarawak. they did have many tribal wars ( cutting off many heads), they say whenever an Iban cuts off a head they get a tattoo on their neck then slowly on their knuckles. Further more I heard someone ask what is "a" Kolo mee and I let my jaw drop down....... After I Recovered I explained to them what "a" Kolo mee is. A soft, sumptous, hot, Mouth watering, meaty, interesting noodle.
The last few months I have read, "Voyage of the dawn treader", by C.S. Lewis which is mostly about Edmund and Lucy with their cousin Eustace journeying through a picture ( Narnian). but they had been delivered there for their test to see if they were worthy of taking the throne again.
Another book I have read is "Greek Mythology" by Edith Hamilton mainly about Greek gods, The Trojan war, Titans and the great Odysseus who journeyed throughout the WHOLE world
And finally I have been reading "The Giver" which is about another type of country with no war or pain. Before he has the ceremony of the twelves he see's the world in black and white.... During the ceremony of twelve's you get assigned a job in the community. Jonas gets assigned as the giver. This is the most important job which holds remembering the memories of people from heart broken misery to gleeful happy memories! After the assignment he sees the world in color.

"The Last Air bender" I believe was the last great movie I viewed. Primarily it was about 2 water tribe citizens, a brother and sister curious to find what is in a mysterious ice sphere. When they finally crack the globe open they find the Last Air Bender who had been stuck in there for a 1000 years. The sphere gives off a warning when the war rulers ( fire benders) were on a hunt. So the War lords came over to inspect what happened and they find what they have been looking for....... The Avatar. During the middle of the journey they lose the Avatar (Last Air Bender) and Aang (the Avatar) went to most earth tribes to free them from fear of the enemy. At the end there is a big war which takes place in the northern water tribe and the Avatar gets praise after he scares away the fire nation. ( even from the fire warriors).
My academic goals are aiming for straight A's and I would enjoy learning physics because I am interested in the law of motion and gravity.
One of my social goals is getting to know the teachers and befriending some.
One of my social goals is getting to know the teachers and befriending some.
A favorite vacation memory is Koh Samui where I recently celebrated my birthday and where I got to ride an ATV (I rarely ride one)
5 aspects to describe myself are:
Very shy
Fast learner
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