Thursday, October 28, 2010

Guns, Germs and steel. (A hypothesis.......)

I believe that there are 3 reasons why most of the wealth in the world is axiomatic in the areas north of the Tropic of Cancer. A more tropical range looms over the tropic of cancer, this could provide more trading aspects. Above the tropic of cancer, more space allows larger populations growth, this makes southern countries inchoate of trading goods and supplying money. More mountains on the northern side of the  Tropic of Cancer grant more to find, for this paleontologists discover more evidence of the past life. So why is wealth founded more above the tropic of cancer? 

Wealth can be found in a tropical area which has more to trade. Most people live off what we trade. Flour, rice, seaweed, herbs and etc. are what we use to slake ourselves with. From trading in the northern region people have a lot to trade, this allows them to earn money that they eventually spend to disport themselves. Some people are wastrels on the southern region who don't think about the people who toil with labor, transport the goods and eventually get a small amount of money for trading. This is one reason of why most of the wealth is found more on the north side of the tropic of cancer.

Above the tropic of cancer more space creates more larger populations to grow. The northern area combined is larger than the southern area. A larger population has to give a large amount of tax back to the government, which could also be why the northern part has more wealth than the southern part. Larger populations give more money to satisfy themselves, they could travel a museum and pay a large amount to get in. People would also need to buy food to feed their families and themselves. This is my second reason of why I believe that the northern region has more wealth than the southern part. 

Mountains on the northern side provide more to discover. For most hominids lived in caves or more natural places which mostly is found above the northern region. Paleontologists mostly discover new species or different variety's of old hominid tools which can be sold for millions of dollars. Most of fossiliferous strata was founded in the northern region which gained alot of money. The Terracotta army is a good example of what was a great discovery. This is why I believe that most of the wealth in the world is axiomatic in the areas north of the Tropic of Cancer. 

These are my three reasons of why the northern region has more wealth than the southern state. 

Sunday, October 17, 2010

The New Kuala Selangor Mudskipper

"BUMP, BUMP, bump, BUMP, CRASH!!!" I shifted through the ooze, whilst pondering what could make such a 
racket. I drowsily flopped and flapped my way out to the territory to smell once again the fresh scent of mud. " Ie w ant t o goo hume!" I stared at this humongous monkey with curiosity.  What could this creature be? Unfamiliar sounds interrupted my thoughts, "luok a mod skipur!". .A two legged, long black hairy creature shoved her finger in my direction. What species are they I wondered? They all look different! After trying to understand this quickly scurried over three feet underground to find 

myself wedged between 2 other mud skippers. The other two Mud skippers looked frightened and scared as they were in the same situation as me. I asked them a few questions but they seemed not to answer, " so why are you two down here?", "hello?", "can you hear me?", "do you need help!", "ANSWER ME!!!!" 
After 9 desperate more calls I noticed that one Mud skipper did not have an eye, and one without a fin. I hurried out of my hiding spot. These monkeys... What killers can they be! I tried to silently slither back to my den. But as I made a huge bump against a mangrove tree I heard tiny voices... " Augha Roun fur iour lihfs!!!". This sounded like some Mud skipper had scared the beast away, I prayed as I saw a large monkey running towards me. Was this an illusion? Was I just dreaming? But I sensed fear, and the creature looked terrified. However he was holding some type of mangrove tree. Were the monsters trying to save us? I heard a cry behind me. A monster was somehow pulling another monster out of the mud... Were they HELPING each OTHER??? This day! What surprises could it bring? From looking around I saw some type of portable device that these brutal creations wore on their long fins. Inside looked so inviting, with all that fur... Was this an animal too? I hopped in feeling its warmth against the chill of the mud. I walked back and forth, soon falling backwards. Tilted in an awkward position I realized something was carrying me away from my home " HELP! HELP! The creature! I Its taking me away!!! HELP!!!!!!" No one seemed to answer,and my eyes started to droop down.....

I woke up moments later. The creatures still did not seem to notice me... Soon they dropped me and ran towards this speeding water " yhaeee!!" they all shout in happiness when they got there. I tried crawling out, but they seemed to be coming towards me with that water. Was it magic they were controlling? Were they going to..... Water washed my thoughts away, I tried to breath but I couldn't. Suddenly bright lights shone into my eyes, my fins barely reaching a surface. I couldn't breath!


Am I Dead?