Wealth can be found in a tropical area which has more to trade. Most people live off what we trade. Flour, rice, seaweed, herbs and etc. are what we use to slake ourselves with. From trading in the northern region people have a lot to trade, this allows them to earn money that they eventually spend to disport themselves. Some people are wastrels on the southern region who don't think about the people who toil with labor, transport the goods and eventually get a small amount of money for trading. This is one reason of why most of the wealth is found more on the north side of the tropic of cancer.
Above the tropic of cancer more space creates more larger populations to grow. The northern area combined is larger than the southern area. A larger population has to give a large amount of tax back to the government, which could also be why the northern part has more wealth than the southern part. Larger populations give more money to satisfy themselves, they could travel a museum and pay a large amount to get in. People would also need to buy food to feed their families and themselves. This is my second reason of why I believe that the northern region has more wealth than the southern part.
Mountains on the northern side provide more to discover. For most hominids lived in caves or more natural places which mostly is found above the northern region. Paleontologists mostly discover new species or different variety's of old hominid tools which can be sold for millions of dollars. Most of fossiliferous strata was founded in the northern region which gained alot of money. The Terracotta army is a good example of what was a great discovery. This is why I believe that most of the wealth in the world is axiomatic in the areas north of the Tropic of Cancer.
These are my three reasons of why the northern region has more wealth than the southern state.